Saturday, November 11, 2006

Oh the joys...the blessings...

As I look back at the week, I think about the joyful and memorable moments with the boys.

Over the last few weeks, Brian's Sunday school class has been working on a notebook. This past Sunday they finished them. Doing the great that he did on it, he showed it off so proudly and carried it under his arm around church that morning.

On Tuesdays, Bill & I take turns taking Lucas to Awana. This past Tuesday was my turn and this week, Lucas received his the patch for his vest and a blue jewel for his first quarter attendance. To be able to see the excitement in his face when he received them and then to hear the excitement in his voice as he told told his Daddy about it, brings such joy to my heart.

Flu shot time... Thursday I took the boys to get flu shots, no joy in that, but it is done and over with. I also took to them to Build A Bear Workshop. They had such a fun time. Both of them picked the penguin from the movie "Happy Feet". Each of them helped the worker fill the penguin. They did the heart ceremony together (this is where they rub the heart on their heart to always be love, on their head to be intelligent, and on their tummy to never be hungry, then it is put into the animal and closed up). Lucas got a Superman outfit and Brian got Batman.

Friday evening as Lucas started to take a drink from his juice cup, Brian decided he wanted the light off. Thus, causing Lucas to hit himself in the mouth with it. No I don't find any joy in that. As a result of hitting his mouth, Lucas lost his first tooth. It had been loose for a while. Unfortunately, the tooth got lost some where in the living room and we have yet to find it. I think I was more excited than he was, though. The picture is of him with his first lost tooth.

There have been other things that I seem to have notice they way Lucas walks around counting or trying to spelling...or their compassion for others that are hurt (just not for each other yet)...or that they whine about missing their Daddy when he is away, not actually hearing the whining, but knowing that they love him and miss him...or hearing "I love you" or "I'm sorry" when they have misbehaved...or the fairly new "yesss muder (mother)"

Obviously, these are not the first happenings in our children's lifes that have warmed my heart. However, I pray, not that they will continue because I know they will, but that I continue to see them as the blessings they are.


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