Sunday, January 07, 2007

Where has it gone?

Can you believe it, we are in the year 2007! As it seems to every year, the year flew by. A lot has happen this past year. We sold one house, bought another, our dossier was logged in in China and we started our 2nd summer at camp, all within a month's time. We got rid of both of the boy's binkies, completely potty trained Lucas and started successfully potty training Brian. Lucas started kindergarden and Matt started college. Bill not only won Realtor of the Year at the local board of realtors, but he also won Maine State Realtor of the Year.

The holidays were great. Even though the boys are only 5 and 3, this is the first year they have never not just ripped through all of their presents. We decided before Christmas of 2005 that we would only do 3 gifts for each. One they open on Christmas Eve and the other 2 Christmas Day. This year two of their gifts were battery powered ride on 4 wheelers and a number of Rescue Heros command centers with some accessories. They were excited about the 4 wheelers but could exactly ride them in the house. As soon as they opened the Rescue Heros, they decided to play instead of opening the presents brought by Grandma & Grandpa. Not that they were not excited about the gifts from Grandma & Grandpa, but they stopped to enjoy the presents as they opened them. My parents came Christmas Eve, as they have for the past 3 or 4 years, had dinner and exchanged presents. Bill's parents came Christmas morning. The boys were up at 5:30. We keep them in our room and let them opend the stuff in their stockings while we waiting on Bill's parents to come. So they could see the boys open their presents. After breakfast we went to Bill's sister's house and spent most of the day there. Bill was quite surprised with his gift this year. I got him a ride in a Marchitti SF260 at Air Combat USA. He got to pick the date. So he is going to Boston in October to do it. New Years Eve we hosted a game night at our house with Bill's parents and sisters. Even though we enjoyed the holidays, it is nice to have schedules back to normal.

Now here we are in January and will be celebrating Brian's 4th birthday in a couple of weeks. He has decided he wants every thing Batman for his party. So that will be the theme for his party.

As well, we (my parents & I) will be celebrating the 14th year since my adoption. It has been a wonder 14 years and pray for many more. As I think about my adoption, I also think about the pending adoption for our daughter. We were suppose to know atleast who she is, if not have her, by now. We know though it will probably be the end of the year or next year before we even know who she is. However, I find myself praying for her as I do for the boys on a daily basis. I pray that if/when she is born that she is safe, healthy, and some how feels the love of the family she will have one day. I continue to remind myself that it is in God's timing, so I leave it in His hands.

I close in prayer for another great year, with hopes of "celebrating" many happenings, including bringing home our daughter.


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