Saturday, December 08, 2007

Santa & Christmas Play

Today Santa was at the local Wal-mart. So we took the kids to see him and then to lunch at Pizza Hut. They each had received a certificate for a free pizza. The earned the certificates by reading so many minutes (Lucas 300 and Brian 200) in one month. This is a program thru their school and they have a chance to earn this every month from September to May. Cara sat long enough for me to get a picture, but didn't seem impressed. At least she did not cry.

This is a picture of Lucas in his school play. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera and used my cell phone. So it did not turn out very well. It was about a half hour long and they did really well. The elementary students did most of the singing. However, we didn't get to see Lucas' face while the dancers were performing. Lucas was fixated on them the entire time.


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