Saturday, February 03, 2007

IT'S A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is our new daughter. I don't have a lot of facts about her, but here is what we know:

Her name is Tran Thi Hong Chau soon to be Cara Jeanette Trask. She is in an orphanage in south Vietnam. (I was told the name of the city, but I was so excited I forgot.) She was born 11-1-06. "She was brought to the emergency room after being born at home and the cord was cut in the emergency room. The baby weighed 2 kgs at birth (about 41/2 lbs) and was transferred to the orphanage about a month later weighing 4.4 kgs (about 9 lbs). Don't know her weight right now but she will have a general check up tomorrow at Columbia." (direct quote from case worker)

We received the news last night about 7pm. We were not home at the time. So we did not get to see her picture until about midnight last night. We are just so excited! The expected travel time is in April. I will post more information as we get it.

We praise our Father in Heaven for this wonderful gift and His never ending blessings.


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